
Mission and Vision

Core values at Pharmidex

At Pharmidex we strive to provide our clients with high-quality bespoke experimental data to allow rapid and successful progression of their drug discovery programmes. Our core values are:

VISION "Healthier World”

MISSION Help fast forwarding delivery of more efficacious drugs to patients suffering from debilitating diseases”

AIM Provide clients with the knowledge and information that allow rapid progression of compounds that have the highest                    probability of clinical success”

FOCUS Pharmidex focuses on delivering solutions for drug discovery (CNS, oncology, respiratory and metabolic disorders),                        In vitro ADMET, pharmacokinetics, pharmacology, bioanalysis, metabolite identification and GLP-toxicology.

STRATEGY We aspire to become the solution provider of choice for all CNS drug discovery companies. We will achieve this by:

  • Improving the quality of decision making
  • Increasing the probability of success
  • Reducing overall development time
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